To step into the story of God for the sake of _________________________
The adventure is, we each get to fill in the blank. By being passionate about not only creating a space, but being a people where the story of God can be encountered in real, tangible ways. We believe that God's kingdom is not just a future hope, but a present reality that we can experience now, in our everyday lives, right where we are. That’s why we focus on the people and places God has us - our homes, our workplaces, our schools, and our community.
Our mission is to live out, in all of life, what Jesus commissioned the Apostles to do:
“God authorised and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:18-20 Msg)
Our gauge as to how we know we are doing this effectively is the commandment Jesus gave:
"Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.'" (Matt 22:37-39 Msg)
Being who Jesus invites us to be and doing what Jesus calls us to do

To help us live as disciples of Jesus in all of life, we orientate our lives around a collective Rhythm of Life.
This Rhythm of Life consists of four directions: Up, In, Out and Down
Each direction then has two values: Up = Prayer and Creativity, In = Learning and Community, Out = Gospel and Hospitality, Down = Sabbath and Celebration
Passionate Loyalty – is about worship expressed through our whole life surrendered to Jesus.
Prayer: Prayer is listening and resounding to God about what he wants us to do. By cultivating a rhythm of corporate and personal prayer we seek to centre our lives with the purposes of God.
Creativity: Creativity is a means through which we express worship to God, through using the abilities he has placed in each one of us. As we use the gifts and abilities we have received, we bring glory to God.
Authentic Friendship – is about radically loving others for their good and growth in Christlikeness
Learning: Learning is how our hearts and minds assimilate the practice of following Jesus. Learning is much more than stimulating our intellect but is about stirring our longing to discover more about Jesus.
Community: Community is how we express the reality that in Christ we are family and that we are together in unity. Our unity comes through faith in Christ and is demonstrated in love for others.
Courageous Mission – is about being empowered by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to Jesus in word and deed everywhere and to everyone
Gospel: The gospel is the primary thing that makes us distinct from any other community, religion, or none. The gospel gives shape to all that we do and we intentionally look for ways to communicate the gospel by all means.
Hospitality: Hospitality is expressed through intentionally living life open to others. Hospitality enables us to connect with people who have yet to encounter Jesus and creates an environment for them to become friends.
Restorative Play – is about intentionally choosing to pause and allow our play to fuel our celebration of God’s goodness
Sabbath: Sabbath is the intentional act for us to step away from the ordinary activity of our lives to enjoy God, each other, and creation and learn that God is sovereign. Sabbath enables us to be restored and renewed ready to enter the work that God has created to to do.
Celebration: Celebration is expressed through gathering together to worship in song, and share stories of God’s goodness, and activity in our lives. Celebration isn’t confined to our worship gathering it erupts when we experience joy in the everyday moments of life.